Deploy Your Gatsby Website to Firebase (by Google)

 2023-11-11 1 minute read 0 Comments #firebase | #gatsby | #promptfu | #web

Discover how to host your Gatsby website on Firebase (by Google) with this step-by-step guide. This tutorial covers everything from site creation and building to Firebase setup and deployment, ensuring a seamless hosting process.

To Infinity and Beyond Code!


  • Node.js installed
  • Gatsby CLI installed
  • Firebase CLI installed
  • A Google Firebase account

Step 1: Create a Gatsby Website

If you already have a Gatsby website, you can skip to Step 2. Otherwise, create a new Gatsby site using the following command:

gatsby new my-gatsby-site
cd my-gatsby-site

Step 2: Build Your Gatsby Site

Build your Gatsby site to generate static files:

gatsby build

This command creates a public directory with your site’s static files.

Step 3: Install Firebase Tools

Install Firebase CLI tools globally using npm:

npm install -g firebase-tools

Step 4: Login to Firebase

Log in to Firebase using your Google account:

firebase login

Follow the prompts to authenticate.

Step 5: Initialize Firebase in Your Project

Initialize Firebase in your Gatsby project directory:

firebase init
  • Select Hosting.
  • Choose an existing project or create a new one.
  • Set public as your public directory.
  • Choose not to configure as a single-page app.
  • Do not overwrite your index.html.

Step 6: Deploy to Firebase

Deploy your site to Firebase:

firebase deploy

Your Gatsby site is now deployed! Firebase will provide a URL to view your live site.


Congratulations! You have successfully deployed your Gatsby website to Google Firebase. You can now share your site with the world and enjoy the benefits of Firebase’s hosting features.

 Categories: #web

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May your deploys be smooth, and your build errors few. Keep automating and innovating!

Tech tips and command line fu found within this dojo
